Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Video: Touching short story about the importance of family

Blood is sure thicker than water, but even if though water can not totally replace blood, its almost as important. Family is everything. Some people are blessed to come from a family that they can totally rely and depend on, while others. . .well.

This video opened my mind to some things. Sometimes, its not like parents don't care for their children or vice versa, its just that life happens. Some parents still see their grown children as kids and take almost forever to adjust, while some continue being supportive parents regardless of how old their children are. Parents are supposed to raise their kids to be old enough to start taking responsibility for themselves and sometimes children think they are old enough even before they are actually old enough. In some families, the relationship between the parents and the children deteriorated because of one or many reasons. Regardless of that, good parents never stop being parents. As a parent, you cannot resign from your responsibilities even when your children have grown and gone on to have their own family. You have to be there to keep supporting them. Children in turn aren't supposed to neglect the counsel of their parents, except in cases where the counsel becomes an abuse of some sort. Parents are supposed to keep their children together not tear them apart. Parent are supposed to be there for their children instead to send them away based on whatever baseless reasons. When children drift so far away from home, there could be so many reasons and in some cases, the parents have got a hand in it.

Bottom line, if you are blessed to have parents who would still go to the moon and back for you, then cherish them. No matter how busy one gets, family is important and time should be spared out of whatever busy schedule to communicate and/or spend time together.

Sometimes, its not really the fault of the children though. If only some parents made it easy to love them.

Let death never be a reason for a family reunion, Amen. I hope this video inspires you :)

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