Wednesday, November 04, 2015

The Only Thing Stopping You is YOU! (1)

I want to be great

I want to be rich

I want to be famous

I want to be wealthy

I want to be heard

I want to be a Star

I want to be. . .

We all want to be one thing or a lot of things. Some people don't even know what they want to do or be, they just know they want to be any or all of the above. Some people don't know what they're good at. They don't know their talents or skills or their purpose. Some people lack the courage to pursue their dreams, probably because of lack of finance or encouragement or motivation or a nudge in that direction. Some may have all that but lack the self-motivation to take the first step.

You want to sing but you're afraid your voice will be criticized or isn't good enough, but you sing everyday, in the shower, during chores and basically through all your day's activities. You've even been commended a lot of times on your voice. Still, you feel its not good enough. You feel going for any of the talent hunt shows like MTN Project Fame, Nigerian Idol is going to be embarrassing because you'll be scrutinized in front of so many viewers starting from the judges. You feel you can't go through any of that, but somehow in your imagination, you find yourself singing in front of a watching crowd, entertaining them... but its all in your head. It wont come to life except you take that bold step.

What you fail to realize is you have already decided your fate without even trying. You have decided the outcome without even trying. Its just like concluding that eating beans will make you suffer a running stomach without tasting or eating the beans first.

Its ok to be scared and shy, but its totally not ok to not try at all. You can start from somewhere. Like recording yourself sing and posting it online on your social network page *sounds cheesy, I know, still its better than nothing*. Or better still, join the choir in your church. And if you're not a Christian or do not go to church, you can stick to your social network page. You just have to start from somewhere than not start at all. Surely one day it will pay off.

All you have to do is take that first bold step towards becoming your heart's desires. The only thing that will stop you is you and the only thing that can make it happen is you.

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