Saturday, January 02, 2016

This Year Ask God for His Plan For You!

In Jeremiah 29:11, God says, ‘I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you…plans to give you hope and a future…pray to me, and I will listen to you’ (vv. 11-12 NIV).

This year ask God for His plan. It’s miserable playing a part for which you’re ill-suited. It’s like walking in shoes that don’t fit. So…what are you good at? What do you enjoy doing most? What accomplishments make you feel best?

List moments in your life when you were acutely aware of this feeling of fulfilment and ask yourself the following questions:

Does this reveal anything about your purpose?

If money wasn’t a consideration, how would you fill your days?

How does this compare with where you are now?

What one small step can you take right now - one phone call made, one letter written, one email sent - to move you towards your true calling?

What have you learned about your purpose through failure?

Are some areas clearly not a part of your calling at all?

Who do you admire for the way they’ve applied their talents?

Why are you like them?

What can you learn from them?

How would you describe your vision for your life this year? Or five years from now? Or ten?

Who are the people in your life who really get who you are?

Have you asked them what they think your purpose might be?

Have they given any indication of how they think you should use your talents?

If you could write your own obituary, what would you want it to say?

What would you like to be remembered for?


As you begin the New Year, don't put your thoughts and actions first. Don't repeat the same things all over again. Don't do it all on your own.

Seek His Face in the affairs of your life and the things that concern you. Seek His will for your life. Seek His purpose for your life, Put Him first. Seek His Strength, His Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding...

Ask God for His plan for your life.

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