Sunday, January 03, 2016

Dumb Relationship Questions: How Many People Have You Had Sex With?

A girlfriend of mine met this guy whom she thought she could get to know and possibly see where it leads. In the process of getting to know each other, he blurts out to her the question "how may guys have you slept with?. After a back and forth of her indicating she was appalled by the question and him insisting and pushing for an answer, she ended up telling him she's slept with 7 guys. Next question he asks is "Is there anything left for me to enjoy down there?" ...LOL! WTF???

Ok so, I personally do not have a problem with answering any question, even this one, but my question is, what has how many men she has slept with or how many girls he has slept with have to do with you guys getting to know each other?. Will that add value to your life? Will that top up your bank account? Will that pay your house rent? Will it buy you a new car? What exactly will an answer to this question do for you?. This question is very synonymous with men but women also ask the question too.

The truth is, this question is age old boring!. Its a conversation killer. It just makes the whole "getting to know each other" less interesting, especially if you dropped this bomb question within the first few days or weeks of meeting. This question should be avoided, totally, because if you like that guy/girl and you really see you being with them, this question can make them subtly or stylishly avoid you completely and then its bye bye to a potentially interesting relationship ahead.

Guys, when you ask her this question and she stalls, delays the answer or does not want to answer at all, its not because she's ashamed of how many men she's slept with. Its because her "bored" button has been turned on by you and she feels you're not asking the right question to get to know her. You might get the "lets change the subject" or "why are you asking?" response. That's a cue to not press further and move on to the next relevant question.

Ladies, first off, why in the world would you wanna ask this question or know the answer to this question?. You know you will always have your own guess answer at the back of your mind and no matter what he answers, you will still have your reservations cos you know he's a man and the world sees a man's body count as normal compared to that of a woman's.

Bottom line, this is just a very dumb and irrelevant question to ask if you're getting to know somebody you intend to date. Let me tweak this quote we all know: if you don't have anything sensible to ask, don't ask anything at all.

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