Saturday, February 27, 2016

Dumb Relationship Questions: "Ever had an Abortion?"

A girl getting to know a guy she liked asked him if he’s ever had a girl abort a pregnancy for him. He was really surprised the girl would ask such a question when clearly he didn’t have any kids outside wedlock. He asked her why she wanted to know and she answered that she wasn’t gonna abort a pregnancy if it happened while they were dating…(WOW! LOL!...Dude, RUN!)…

A guy met this girl online and they proceeded to get to know each other. He sure did know how to ask a lot of questions, most of them irrelevant and totally pointless. One of the questions he asked her was if she had ever had an abortion. She didn’t answer and was wondering why he was asking and he got offended and concluded she wasn’t being open with him. When she asked why he was asking, he said he just needed to know…(for what pls???)

We never get a fill of irrelevant questions, do we? I mean, it seems irrelevant questions are kinda here to stay, especially the ones a guy asks a girl or a girl asks a guy when they’re getting to know each other for the purpose of a possible relationship which hopefully would lead to something long-term or marriage.

Ok so, sometime in the past in a previous relationship, he got his Ex pregnant and because he wasn’t ready to be a father, he asked her to abort it or during her previous relationship, she got pregnant for her Ex and he left her to deal with it and she had to abort it... It was all in the past and was an experience which he/she would of course not want to repeat.

As a guy, when you ask her this question, what do you hope to gain or achieve from the answer?...That you’re so much of a “Daddy Material” that you want to turn back the hands of time and wish you were the guy in question? Or you just wanna know so you can have something to point fingers at her for? Or you just plain wanna know and have it at the back of your mind? Em, Bro, to what end please?!

As a girl, when you ask him this question, will the answer put a pregnancy proof over you and keep the same thing from happening again?


Guys! Ladies! Whether or not Abortion took place in the other person’s past has got nothing to do with where you guys are headed. Instead of asking this dumb question which has the past written all over it, won’t it be better to talk about the future and if you want a family and kids or not?

Abortion isn’t a pretty thing. Nobody spells out their life wishing to go through with an abortion, but sometimes shit happens and that shit has to be dealt with so that the next person you choose to be with will not have to also deal with your “baggage”.

Everybody has got one not-so-good experience or the other that happened to them in the past. That’s why it’s the past. A question like this will just open up a part of the other person’s past they probably wanted locked away somewhere in their memory and wanting to know the answer does nothing at all for where you guys are headed. Nothing at all!

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