Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Word For Today: Start Thinking Creatively (1)

‘…God created mankind in His own image…’

Genesis 1:27

The Bible calls you a ‘child of God’. Stop and consider what that means. God’s creativity is already built into your DNA; your job is to recognise it, release it and put it to work. Advertising executive George Lois said, ‘Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything.’ But for your creativity to be released, you must first identify the barriers and start taking them down. Here’s a common one: ‘We’ve always done it this way.’

People who say that have stopped thinking for themselves. They’re just putting in their time, waiting for a pay packet and going home at the end of the day without thinking, reflecting or even considering the possibilities of change. If you’re one of these people, it’s time to wake up and start looking around you. Mind-deadening routine is the cancer of creativity. If you mindlessly go about your business the same way every day, your routine is opening you up to mistakes. Why? Because, the chances are, your habits have caused you to lose the ability to think critically and question your methods.

Start questioning policies, techniques, forms, rules, paperwork—anything that’s become routine. Ask, ‘Why do we do that? Is it even necessary? Can we do it better?’ On the farm of success there are no sacred cows. If you insist on doing things the way they’ve always been done, you’ll end up being out-thought, out-sold, out-produced and finally out of business. So start thinking creatively.

Is 37-38, Eph 6

Monday, September 21, 2015

God’s Laser

‘…Sharper than any double-edged sword…’

Hebrews 4:12

Does reading the Bible sometimes make you uneasy? Does the sermon feel like it’s directed at you? ‘…the Word of God is…sharper than any double-edged sword…it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit…Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered…before…Him to whom we must give account’ (vv 12-13 NIV).

When it comes to judging our motives, Jesus, the Great Physician, can determine with laser precision the difference between what’s healthy in our lives and what needs to be removed. Author Jon Walker writes: ‘A cyst developed under the skin of my right hand…and since I was a journalist I had to do something about it. The procedure was delicate, requiring the surgeon to cut at just the right point…He was confident he could do it …but I was nervous…He did an excellent job and the only reminder I have is a slight scar …The Word of God is as delicate and precise as a surgeon skilfully removing a cyst from cartilage…He operates with perfection… slices away bad attitudes, thoughts, motives, and actions “…laying us open to listen and obey…”’ (v 13 TM).

When God speaks to you it’s for a purpose—to bring your life into conformity to Christ. And your response should always be, ‘Search me, O God, and know my heart…’ (Psalms 139:23). Let the Word of God highlight the areas in your life that need work. Don’t run from the process; remember when ‘…God steps in and corrects you…He wounds, but He also dresses the wound; the same hand that hurts you, heals you…’ (Job 5:17-18 TM).

Is 32-33, Eph 5:1-16

The Importance of Your Self-Talk

‘This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope.’

Lamentations 3:21

Lamentations chapter three describes how despair engulfs us, and how we can conquer it. Jeremiah’s downward spiral starts in verse one: ‘I am the man who has seen affliction…’ (v 1 NAS), and morphs into an unhealthy preoccupation with his troubles. The fact is, when our circumstances deteriorate, our self-talk sounds a lot like Jeremiah’s. He blamed God for his physical symptoms, his emotional anguish, and his sense of entrapment. He rehearsed God’s failure to answer his prayers, and his fear that he’d been singled out as an object of public ridicule: all classic elements of depression. No wonder he felt powerless and hopeless! (v 18).

That kind of self-talk initiates and intensifies despair and depression and feeds our negative outlook. The turning point came when Jeremiah changed his self-talk: ‘This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope.’ He changed his thought process by recalling God’s goodness and mercy: ‘Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed…His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness’ (vv 22-23 NIV). When you change your mind—you change your mood! It doesn’t happen automatically; you have to deliberately refocus your thinking at the very time when you feel least like doing it. Notice: Jeremiah’s circumstances didn’t improve—his outlook did.

A stream of encouraging thoughts triggered a change in his self-talk—and his depression lifted: ‘“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I have hope in Him”’ (v 24 NAS). That’s how important your self-talk is!

Luke 18:1-17, Ps 97-99

The Word For Today: Dump Your Grudges!

‘Love…keeps no record of being wronged’

1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Holding a grudge is costly, and you and the people in your life end up footing the bill! In all probability the offender has moved on, forgotten the offence, and left you holding the bag. But in reality, blame, not the offender, is the crux of the problem. And until you understand and accept that, you will continue to be upset. Don’t let your grudges fester and turn into: 1) Self-victimisation. Negative energy expended on others just drains your resources and robs you of the chance to fulfil your God-given potential. Stop cheating yourself.

Don’t surrender your power to your grudges! 2) Bitterness. It’s like a deadly poison; a little of it can contaminate your entire system. The hurt you harbour pollutes the stream of your daily experience, including your experience with God! 3) Isolation. There’s no joy in being around someone who constantly indulges in blame, defensiveness and anger. Others pick up the vibes and feel at risk, so they keep a safe distance in case they become a target in the event that they displease you. It’s a formula for isolation and self-induced loneliness. 4) Negative role-modelling. Maybe you think, ‘My feelings are nobody’s business!’ Maybe—if you live on a desert island.

Grudges are highly communicable. ‘…Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up…corrupting many’ (Hebrews 12:15 NLT). 5) Sabotaged repentance. Genuine repentance and forgiveness aren’t possible until you’re willing to face up to your grudges. If you’re still blaming others, you’re avoiding responsibility. A bad attitude is like a flat tyre—until you change it, you’re not going to get anywhere.

Is 34-36, Eph 5:17-33


Friday, September 18, 2015

The Word For Today: Get Over It!

‘He who…forgives an offence seeks love, but he who…harps on a matter separates…friends.’

Proverbs 17:9

Countless friendships are destroyed because one person gets offended by something the other one said or did. A mark of spiritual growth is how quickly you get over slights and insults; the more mature you are, the less time it takes to ‘forgive an offence’ and move on. One Christian writer says: ‘Okay, your friend ditches you and your feelings are hurt…or she’s too busy to return your phone call or email…or you’re out to dinner with another couple and the other man insults your husband in an attempt to be funny …Offences come…Jesus said they would (John 16:33).

People are people. If you’ve been offended by a friend, or felt slighted, get over it! Hit the Control>Alt>Delete buttons. Don’t let bitterness even think about putting down roots…"Love…is not irritable…it keeps no record of being wronged…never gives up…and endures through every circumstance” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NLT)…It seems impossible…and without God’s love it is. So yield to His love, overlook offences and walk in love, because next week you’ll be the one needing unconditional love.

When it comes to being perfect, we’ve all failed. If you want your friends to overlook your offences, be quick to overlook theirs.’ Make this your prayer today: ‘Father, thank You for the relationships You’ve blessed me with. I make a decision today to release anyone who has ever offended me in the slightest…to overlook it… forget about it, and move on. I will not keep a record of their wrongs. I will offer mercy and unconditional love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.’

Is 30-31, Eph 4

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Word For Today: Are You Struggling Financially? (2)

‘…all these things shall be added unto you.’

Matthew 6:33

Pray: ‘Heavenly Father, Your Word says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” You are well able to take care of my financial situation; You know what needs to be done. Direct my steps (Proverbs 3:5-6). Help me to remember that Your resources are meant to flow freely from the place of abundance to the place of need (2 Corinthians 8:14). I believe You have a financial plan for my life, and when fear of the future threatens to overwhelm me, I will hope continually and praise You more and more (Psalms 71:14). As You walk with me through this crisis and I stay focused on You, You promised to keep me in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). Forgive me for worrying. I cast all my cares on You right now (1 Peter 5:7)…I don’t have to bear these burdens on my own…I lay them down and receive Your divine rest (Matthew 11:28). You promised to supply all my needs (Philippians 4:19); that it’s Your good pleasure to give me the [blessings and benefits of Your] kingdom (Luke 12:32). You told me not to worry about anything and instead make my requests known to You with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6-7). I know You’ll take care of tomorrow because You’re Jehovah-Jireh, my provider (Matthew 6:34). You know what I need and when I need it…You’re the God of more than enough (Ephesians 3:20). Thank You for meeting my every need, and for the sense of peace and security You’re imparting to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.’

Is 28-29, Eph 3


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Word For Today: Are You Struggling Financially? (1)

‘…your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.’

Matthew 6:32

Donna Savage writes: ‘In my husband’s first years as a pastor our mortgage payment gobbled up half his income…I learned to replace panic with peace by praying for: Clarity. Money is linked to our self-esteem. It can trigger feelings of shame, fear, pride, and anger. But “understanding [God’s] Word brings light to the minds of ordinary people” (Psalms 119:130 CEV). Creativity. If you want more money, you must earn more or spend less. We serve a creative God, and He rewards those who “…diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6 NKJV).

Ask Him to show you how to increase your income. Connections. Kids are familiar with connect-the-dot puzzles, where you join a random collection of dots to produce an image you’d otherwise miss. It’s all about the right connections, and God can send the right people into your life with answers to your money problems. Contentment. Just like earthquakes expose structural weaknesses in buildings, financial pressure exposes our spiritual weakness.

Paul said, “I have learned the secret of being content” (Philippians 4:12). Key phrase: I have learned. Hardship enrols us all in a basic contentment course, but we don’t all get the same homework. Some of us learn through financial hardship and proving God’s faithfulness for ourselves.’

Savage continues: ‘I’ve given God an “I can’t do this” ultimatum more than once… I’ve also celebrated the adventure of moment-by-moment dependence on His resources. I’ve proved God’s faithfulness in my prayers and in my pantry, and it’s never limited by my bank balance.’

Is 26-27, Eph 2


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Word For Today: When You Don’t Understand

‘…secret things belong to the Lord…things revealed belong to us…’

Deuteronomy 29:29

When you don’t understand what’s happening in your life, start with what you know for sure; namely, that God is good all the time, and His ‘…love for those who respect him continues forever…’ (Psalms 103:17 NCV). He’s not fickle. He doesn’t bless you one day and curse you the next: His ‘mercies…are new every morning’ (Lamentations 3:22-23). But there are things God chooses to reveal to us, and ‘secret things’ He doesn’t—for our own good.

Writer Beth Jones says: ‘If God keeps a secret from us, it’s for our benefit and the benefit of others …For example, He doesn’t go around blaming, tattling or disclosing our sins, weaknesses, unbelief, carnality, selfishness or pride to others. When things happen, God knows why…Secret things belong to the Lord. And when He reveals something to us, it’s because He wants us to walk in that truth by faith. For example, He reveals His character and His will in His Word…so we can live by faith knowing that He’s good, fair, kind, generous, merciful, faithful, gracious, patient, and He’s in the saving, healing, redeeming, restoring, sanctifying, and blessing business. Things revealed belong to us. When we don’t know why …here’s what we know for sure. God’s Word is truer than our circumstances or experiences…and just because He knows everything about us doesn’t mean He tells us about everything.

We also know that when things look bad, God is still good. He’s a giver, not a taker…a blesser, not a curser…and no matter what happens or doesn’t happen, at the end of the day—we still win!’

Is 23-25, Eph 1


Monday, September 14, 2015

The Word For Today: Beauty Is an Inside Job

‘Those who look to Him are radiant…’

Psalms 34:5

It’s said ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, but you can waste your life trying to please the wrong beholder. One Christian writer says: ‘When it comes to beauty, each of us carries baggage from childhood…I’ve fretfully hung clothes of every size in my wardrobe… messed with make-up when I should have slapped on sunscreen and gone outside to play. I’ve eaten close to nothing in an effort to stay small…wasted time worrying I wasn’t pretty enough when I should have been enjoying the things that made me interesting.

Throughout history the definition of beauty has shifted to reflect society. Sometimes we should be curvy, other times thin as a lath; sometimes tanned, sometimes pale; sometimes with long hair, sometimes with short…We devote our energies to meeting the latest standards and…guess what? There’s always another mandate…it’s an empty and relentless pursuit. We must seriously consider whose heart we’re trying to capture…God’s is the only one worth pursuing.’ Paul says, ‘…Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking…’ (Romans 12:1-2 TM); ‘If anyone belongs to Christ…The old things have gone; everything is made new!’ (2 Corinthians 5:17 NCV).

You won’t find the secret to inner beauty and peace by comparing yourself with the airbrushed models on magazine covers. That kind of image is unsustainable. You’ll find peace by asking God to remove the scales from your eyes and show you what you look like in His eyes. ‘Those who look to Him are radiant.’

The only healthy and lasting definition of beauty comes from God because He ‘…looks into the heart’ (1 Samuel 16:7 TM).

Is 20-22, Gal 6


Friday, September 11, 2015

The Word For Today: The Power of Love

‘…God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.’

1 John 4:16

When Dr E Stanley Jones preached a sermon on love in India, a church leader told him how a layman, whom he loved and had helped, was making trouble and threatening to split the church. The frustrated clergyman asked Dr Jones what to do because, in this case, love didn’t seem to be working. ‘Increase the dosage!’ retorted Jones.

Our self-centered nature would have us believe that happiness comes when we get what we want and all of our needs are met. Yet, when we do get a better job, or a bigger house, or a bit of fame, we find ourselves empty because these things don’t bring us lasting joy and fulfilment. They actually whet our appetite for more—and around and around it goes. Peter Gillquist said, ‘Every time we have a chance in any way to flesh out the love of God to others, our joy cycle gets fulfilled all over again.’

St. Francis of Assisi may have expressed it best in his famous prayer: ‘Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.’